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10 Compelling reasons why you need call centres in India

Call centres have been around for some time and are gaining foothold in a big way. Call centres have come up as a boon in India tackling the big issue of unemployment. Gone are the days when youth had just some few options to pick from in terms of employment. A wide plethora of options in BPO'S & KPO'S has filled the gap of unemployment to some extent. Especially in urban cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Noida etc. back office support service has come up really quick and fast. When we talk of call centres or outsourcing call centres we loosely include all back office services, outsourcing, primarily customer service outsourcing, back office support, offshore back office services and back office support solutions. Now it is understandable and apt to say that call centres are the future in India. Here is presenting the ten most compelling reasons why we need call centres in India: 1) All time support for the business All businesses survive on 27 *7 kind of supp
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