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5 Crucial KPI’s That US Call Centers Track for High Productivity

Call centers and BPO running company have few things in common. The outbound call center services are carried through the call center agents those initiate the calls to clients.  In the outbound call center,the call center agents themselves approach the customers and the clients in order to sell the business product or their services.
The BPO companies are responsible for performing the process of other business organizations in order to save cost and time.  An outbound call center outsourcing companies offering BPO service should have a good backup of professionals handling the service. This will certainly help in getting the best return. 
Following are few of the major business domains that rely on BPO outsourcing companies:
• Telecommunications
• Real Estate
• Banking & Finance
• Retail
• E-commerce
• Healthcare
• Tour & Travel
There exist many Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) those can be used for measuring the efficiency of the call center. In order to track the performance of the call center you need to follow the below mentioned list of KPI’s.
1. Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction is one of the most important Key Performance Indicator for measuring the performance of the call center as it provides you an assessment of the call center’s performance from those who count most, your clients. The customer surveys are used for collecting data and also include questions in order to rate the call resolution, the speed in which the call is being answered and the quality of the call. The first contact resolution is a critical metric which measures the knowledge extent and also the competency of the call center agents. If the customers are being put on hold or a rerouted for query resolution, it does impact on the customer satisfaction in a negative way and might even indicate that the agents in the call center need some more training in order to provide better service.
2. Waiting and Active Calls

The main duty of the agents in the call center is to resolve the calls in an efficient manner in order to reduce the waiting period of the customers. On the other hand, speed must not be compromised and the quality of the customer service and the agents must also ensure that the queries are being answered as per the client’s satisfaction. This KPI also measure s the ratio of the active calls in comparison to the number of callers waiting in line. An extremely high amount of waiting calls might indicate the need to employ more call center agents.
3. First Call Resolution

The main objective of your call center must be answering and resolving the queries as soon as possible thereby delivering good quality service. First Call Resolution KPI also measures how well the calls are being handled by the call center agents for resolving the issues. The primary objective is the first call resolution, but it is not always possible and might need some more calls in order to solve the issues. Whenever the issues aren’t solved, you might need to raise a red flag and need for further investigation. High percentage of the customer issues resolved on the first contact and the low percentage level of the unresolved issues will show how successful the call center is.

4. Average Resolution Time

The average resolution time measures the average time which is spent on each and every call. This Key Performance Indicator can be used for assessing the performance of each and every agent along with recording the overall efficiency of the call center. The dashboard of the call center is programmed to measure the average time resolution KPI. It will also help you in tracking this and the other metrics will help you to reduce the handling times by increasing the productivity and improving the efficiency of the customer service.

5. Percentage of Blocked Calls

Percentage of blocked call is said to be a critical KPI. It measures the number of calls those receive a busy tone whenever the customers are on call with the agents. This is the most essential KPI as and is also given the highest attention as every blocked call does represent a missed marketing opportunity. If the call of a potential customer is blocked then they might take their business elsewhere. The blocked calls are a sign which indicates that the call center is inefficiently staffed.
On the other hand, one must also check along with the other KPIs like the length of the call that might indicate that the problem lies in the trained agents. 
All the above mentioned KPIs are the ones used for measuring the efficiency of the call center. There exist even more those tell you the performance of your call center. They even highlight the problematic areas along with presenting an opportunity for improving the efficient performance of your team at an individual agent level.
Any company whether big or small needs a BPOs or outbound sales call center to handle customer queries or problems. It is the best way to provide quality services to the customers. Usually companies are outsourcing the BPO services with large customer base & large number of clients in various locations.
Various companies those strain and try in achieving more lead themselves in putting their resources under strain and ultimately
Companies that overexert and try to achieve too much, this lead to putting their resources under a lot of strain and ultimately and finally makes them less productive. For any business to bloom and manageable workflow is being maintained which helps in completion of all the required tasks. So, here the question arrives of how to make better use of your resources and time? The solution is BPO Service Provider or a BPO Provider. This involves in the delegation of certain responsibilities to well-equipped firms.
When it comes to Indian BPO, you need to be careful while searching one that exactly suits your requirement. Whenever searching for the best BPO Service providers in India, do a proper check on internet and select the one which would surely fulfill your needs. You can even search for BPO outsourcing companies in Delhi.


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